Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday is like Mean Girls.

Another Sunday has come and gone.

I wonder if I can make it a habit to post here on Sunday nights? Probably only until Andrew's work schedule changes again and he's home before 9:00... because let's face it. The computer does not belong to me if my male counterpart is in the apartment.

Sundays in this house are busy days. It's grocery day (when we have, you know, money for that), laundry day, and it's house cleaning day. It's the day when that abstract period between Out of Bath and In the Bed lasts longest, because we do all the fun grooming stuff- nails clipped, ears cleaned, clothes set out for what's usually a frantic Monday morning. Sundays are also occasionally donut day. When one has a Dunkin Donuts within walking distance, one must take full advantage.... when we have the money.

There are family members who probably shake their head at me, and sigh to themselves, thinking things along the lines of, "This is the day that the Lord hath made.... something something day of rest... something something don't even cook... something something going to hell anyway...". I'm exaggerating. I'm sure they all still cook, they've got people to feed!* I do understand that many people feel that Sundays are time for rest and contemplation, maybe even a little relaxation. I wish that this were a feasible option for us- and really, it's a good thing I'm not a Christian because I'd probably feel incredibly guilty about the whole thing.

But you see, on any given week, Sunday might be my ONLY day off. Sure, Saturday is a half day. I usually get a lot done on that day, too. And hey, sometimes I don't work Saturday at all. Those days become fun days (when we have money. Am I the only one seeing a theme here??) and therefore are not conducive to housework or errand running. Andrew works 40 hours a week, just the same as I do. His time is similarly limited, so that it behooves us to get as much done as possible on the days when we have nothing else to do. For me, that day is Sunday. For him, it apparently only happens every three weeks or so. In any case, Sunday is a work day, to ready ourselves and our home for the hysterical, mad dash that is the work week.

I often wonder if other people have set days for things like this or if this is just an odd trait I've developed. Like, do you have a day where certain things have to be done? Is Tuesday the day you wash the sheets? Meal plan on Saturdays? Clean the bathroom on Wednesdays? (I clean the bathroom on Saturday nights, while V is in the bathtub. It's a win/win. Toddler is effectively contained and pleased. I am available for constant supervision/squirt toy target. Toilet stays ring free, and I feel as though I am worth my salt. The only downside is that I have to go back after bed time to scrub the bath tub. Eh.) Wasn't there an era where everyone did the same thing on the same day of the week? 1800's perhaps, or even the quite peculiar 1930's-1950's.

Also, on Wednesdays, we wear pink. So fetch.

*Disclaimer: I'm only teasing! Please no burning at the stake.

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