Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Obligatory First Post Here

*Note: I originally posted this on Tumblr, intending to blog there. However, I find I dislike the way comments are made there, by reblogging over and over, and so I've decided to come back to good ol' Blogger. So this is an exact copy/paste of my first post there.*

Well, hello there.
So, if you're reading this, you probably know me. Maybe you know me because we went to school together, or maybe we worked at the same place once, or we could possibly be related. You might know me from my mom, or my cousin, or my grandpa's friend's daughter's daughter, or from one of the various Facebook groups I enjoy reading (look! A Llama! And a Heughligan!). Isn't there some theory of six degrees that says we're all connected to Kevin Bacon anyway?
In any case, this being Tumblr, you may not know me from Adam... or Eve, I suppose. And perhaps, even if you do know me, you may not know much about me or my present circumstances (which are really not harrowing, but relevant at least).
Cue Obligatory First Post Here.
My name is Helen. I am a lovely 26 years old, but if you ask my co-workers, I'm about 19 ;) Down slope to 30, yes indeed. I don't feel it most days, to be honest. I hover somewhere in the 17-21 age range, so hey, maybe the co-workers have it right after all.
I have been married to the same fantastic fella for 6 short years. His name is Andrew. He's a pretty awesome guy, I have to tell you. Good looking, good hearted, strategic in ways that baffle me regularly, intelligent, brave, and an utter dweeb. He and I have been together since we were all of 14 years old. Think about the 14 year olds you know- then imagine yourself at that age again, throw in your significant other at the same age, and then imagine yourself spending the rest of your life with that same person. Such is my reality, which explains the amount of video games in my home currently.
We have a child. He's a boy. And when I say, "he's a boy", I mean if you looked at a list of male child stereotypes, you'd find a footnote at the bottom that read, *see also Victor R*. Farts and burps make him giggle. He loves trucks and cars, big machinery, pirates, and chasing the cat intent on (what she believes) is serious bodily harm. He frequently smells bad (NOT MY FAULT). He runs full force into walls, steps back and shakes it off, then keeps playing. He does have a sweet side, though: his favorite movie is Frozen (Olaf FTW), he snuggles like a pro, he says please and thank you unprompted (alas, not my fault here either) and Daddy owns his heart. He also has a blueberry obsession.
These are the three main details of my life. If they were on a color wheel, they'd be red, blue, and yellow. My secondary colors are thus: I am a child birth educator, doula, and all around birth junkie. I work full time outside of the house at a bank. I am a Pagan.
I tell you these things because it means you might see stuff on here that offends you. I am all for unmedicated birth, home birth, breastfeeding past infancy, baby-wearing, cloth diapering, and choosing not to circumcise. I often find myself doing things I did not intend to do as a mother because my time at home is so limited (read: kid's favorite movie is Frozen...) and I have to find ways to be both mom and wife efficiently. I believe and talk about a variety of things and happenings that will sound strange to a majority of religious people, and my beliefs will almost certainly not reflect yours. These three facets of my life factor into my decision making, my daily activities, my nightly activities, and then some. You probably do stuff differently-- that's okay. That's GOOD. Being a working mom has taught me one valuable lesson and that's that each person does as they must to get by in their own struggle. If that means formula feeding an orangutan in a stroller while you sit home and practice your Qur'an pronunciation, by all means, do so. Just don't expect me to baby sit (Orangutans freak me out kinda) and don't get mad when I explain how and why I do what I do.

Well, now that all that is out of the way...
Welcome to my blog!
End of Obligatory First Post Baloney.

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